You know how people say that the hardest part of a run is getting out the front door? That's a lie. The hardest part of a run is staying out the front door. If the key to getting in shape was as simple as finding the motivation to turn a door knob and push, there'd be no obesity epidemic in our country. People walk out of the front door all the time, rarely do they stay out the front door and go for a run. No, the hardest part of running is continuing to run, especially when you're out of shape.
When you're in good shape, you can get some satisfaction out of running because it's like flexing in the mirror. No one needs to see you hammer out a 20 mile long run at sub six pace for you to know you're kind of a bad ass -- it's an added bonus if you can find a way to bring it up in casual conversation though. Checking your watch every mile and seeing 5:58, 5:55, 5:54, is like the Jersey Shore guys admiring their waxed, oiled and tanned abs in the mirror before going out clubbing. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's fun to be able to take pride in yourself. But when you're trudging along at 8:30 pace, checking your watch every 47 seconds for when you can turn around, you feel more like Brett Favre during his last season with the Vikings. You used to win NFL MVP awards and lead your team to back to back Super Bowls (note that they lost to the Broncos in the second one), but now you're making more headlines for texting pictures of your penis to unsuspecting females than for throwing game winning touchdown passes.
Three days in and I'm a 41 year old Brett Favre who can't even make it through a full NFL season. I've made it out the door twice, but came back in almost immediately both times. The good news is that I had exceedingly low expectations for this month. I'm Tim Tebow going 1-6 in the first quarter and luring the the other team into a false sense of security. There's still a 50-50 chance I'll rally in the fourth quarter and ride Matt Prater's coattails to an overtime victory. That, or I'll throw four interceptions in my last 16 pass attempts and get blown out 23-41 by the Patriots. Either way, I'm in the playoffs. Right?
This week so far:
Sunday: 0 miles
Monday: 4.12 miles
Tuesday: 3.12 miles
Weekly total: 7.24 miles
Monthly total: 7.24 miles
Yearly total: 7.24 miles
Miles to go: 1,372.76
On pace for: 883.28
Come to Bellingham at least once a know you could easily get some miles in with Ed and Alex - they are out of shape too...(oh..could they be reading this ?)